Saturday, February 27, 2010

Testing God - Seeking Answers

After hanging up with Nate, I put in a phone call to another veterinarian that did a lot of work for the Kentucky chapter of ReRun. This guy is a phenomenal vet, and I knew that he would be able to answer my question. But because he does work directly with some clients at the track, I wanted to be careful not to put him in a bad spot.

“Hey Chris, I need to access your super human brain cells,” I joked when I finally got him on the phone. “I’ve got a question, but remember to dummy down the answer for me.”

“No problem,” the good doctor said, but I knew it would be, because speaking in medical-eze is just the way he rolls. “What’s up?”

“I came across a drug that I’m unfamiliar with,” I started, “and I want to know what it would be used for.”

“Uh oh, did a new ReRun disaster ship in?” the doc wanted to know.

“Um, no, not exactly,” I hedged, giving him the name of the drug.

“Oh, that’s an antibiotic,” Chris said.

“What? I thought it was illegal to run on antibiotics!” Realizing a little too late that I might have just blurted out a bit too much.

“No, not all of ‘em, just some of ‘em, It can also depend on how they’re used.” Chris returned, obviously eating and driving while we spoke. “But…”

“But what?” I wanted to know. “Your ‘but’ sounded a little weird.”

“Well, that antibiotic is fairly use-specific,” Chris continued. “In fact, I can only think of one use for it.” A long pause while the chewing continued.

“Which would be…?” I prompted.

“That antibiotic would be mixed in with cortisone or whatever was getting put into a joint. They would be using it if the joint had already been injected a lot, and they had a pretty good idea that there may be some infection.”

Daily Notes: I’ve had the oddest feeling all day today. I’ve not gotten much accomplished, either. I can’t seem to think straight. When I turned on the TV this morning at 5:45, the breaking news story was about yet another earthquake and the resulting tsunami warnings for the entire Pacific Rim.

That, on top of Haiti, on top of a small quake near Chicago and record-breaking snowstorms. I think somebody is trying to get our attention.

If you have a Bible, flip to Matthew 24 and Luke 21.

I’m cutting to the chase here, folks. For those of you reading along that don’t know what I’m talking about when I say ‘end times,’ (or even if you do) check out the following:

From the home page, click on Blog and then look for the February 27th postings. Then check out the Four Spiritual Truths that you can access with a mouse click.

All I’m asking you to do is think about it. Then make an assessment. I made my assessment a long time ago, and the more I study about the Tribulation, the more certain I am that I don’t want to be here for that party. I’ll take Jesus, thank you very much.

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